Thursday, April 14, 2011

Whereas, the historic response of union members to the attack on working families contained in Scot Walker’s Budget Repair Bill shows the labor movement remains strong in Wisconsin, and

Whereas, the members of Council 24 were at the forefront of the response as demonstrations took place from one end of Wisconsin to the other, and are tirelessly working to recall politicians responsible for this attack on working people, and

Whereas, this Budget Bill passed despite these heroic efforts, and may well go into effect as a result of court action or by being passed by the legislature again, and

Whereas, these events have shown the limits of demonstrations and legislative strategies to protect our interests, and

Whereas, unions in our country have a proud tradition of fighting for workers’ rights by more direct means, as the International Brotherhood of Teamsters demonstrated at UPS, as the United Mine Workers of American demonstrated at Pittston Coal, and as Council 24 demonstrated to the Governor of Wisconsin in 1977,

Therefore be it resolved that the Executive Board of Council 24 immediately begin the education and the organizing needed to engage in statewide solidarity actions to build our strength so that we will be prepared to take any steps necessary to defend our jobs, our families, and our unions.